One Year Check Up!

Last week Olivia had her one year check up.  Mike and I like to make friendly "bets" on what Olivia's stats will be as far as weight and height.  This time Mike mostly just agreed with me (lame) on my guess which was that Olivia would weigh 20.5 lbs and would be 27 inches tall.  It looks like I was pretty close for her weight, which was 19.5 lbs, but our little Olivia grew 2 whole inches since her last appointment and she is now 28.5 inches!  She went from around 3-5th percentile in height to 20-25th percentile!  Our little weed!  Our pediatrician said that Olivia's progress is a "stair progression" where she will stay the same weight and height for a while then shoot up really quickly.  It does not surprise me that Olivia would do things her own way.  She is clearly just like her Mama.

The doctor also commented on how great Olivia is doing in her social development.  It looks like she is at 12 months or even 15 months socially.  The doctor was very excited about this progress as it is much more difficult to teach social skills as compared to motor/movement development skills.  This was extremely good news to our ears!  It is so nice to go to the doctor and hear something positive for a change.  We are so proud of our little girl and know that she will continue to flourish in all aspects of her development.
Our little Livi is starting to look like a little toddler!

Olivia has also figured out how to roll consistently from her stomach to her back.  She absolutely HATES to be on her stomach so it makes sense that she would figure this "trick" out very quickly.  

(for some reason it wouldn't let me upload the actual video, only this format)

I cannot believe my "little baby" is now a "little toddler", or at least well on her way to being one.  She has started the 0 to 60 moods that are apparently typical toddler behavior (and 31 year old sleep deprived behavior).  She is starting to say more words and shakes her head "no" when we ask her certain questions.  We love to ask her, "Olivia do you like the Ravens?"  She always energetically shakes her head NO to that one, and if she doesn't, Mike does.  We also like to ask her if she wants a sibling, and again, she always shakes her head NO (again, if she doesn't, Mike does).  She is growing up so fast and I am so proud of how far she has come.  So for now, I am just going to relish these special moments where she makes us laugh so hard and then cry the next minute.  She truly is a special little girl and I am excited to see all of her achievements over the next year and beyond!

I also created a video montage of Olivia's first year.  
Check it out!
